Presentation of some of the results of MEDEAS at the forum organized by the Club of Rome

Presentation of some of the results of MEDEAS at the forum organized by the Club of Rome (Spanish chapter) "EL CAPITAL NATURAL COMO BASE DE LA SOSTENIBILIDAD GLOBAL. The title of the presentation is: "El capital natural mineral"

The event was organized by ASYPS (Association for the sustainability and progress of cities) and the Club of Rome Spanish Chapter. MEDEAS consortium member, Alicia Valero (CIRCE), opened the Forum with a presentation of the "Natural Mineral Capital", showing some of the results obtained in WP2 of MEDEAS project. First, a snapshot of current reserves, historical production, ore grade trends of key minerals was presented. Equally, a summary of the materials required to fuel the so-called green technologies was shown. Finally the possible material bottlenecks that could be found in a future transition to low-carbon economies was explained with first-hand information elaborated within MEDEAS.
