INSTM - National Interuniversity Consortium of Materials Science and Technology

INSTM stands for the “National Interuniversity Consortium of Materials Science and Technology”, the largest consortium of its kind in Italy, drawing on the expertise of 47 Italian Universities.

The individual universities' voluntary affiliation with INSTM allows their Research Professors and Fellows to participate in the Consortium's activities through the presentation of research proposals. In the last few years, over 2000 tenured professors, research fellows, holders of research and scholarship grants and doctorate students have taken advantage of this opportunity, and the numbers are growing year on year.

Like other such organisations, INSTM's charge is to unite and concentrate the efforts of its affiliates to help them become more competitive both in Italy and abroad in securing funds and financing. The domestic and international projects involving INSTM's research groups that have been financed to date. Include as partners Italy's National Research Council; ENEA, Italy's National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development; the CINECA consortium for advanced information technology and scientific computing and Italy's largest computing centre; IIT, the Italian Institute of Technology, and many others.


Ugo Bardi is a faculty member of the University of Florence, Italy. He is the author of the book "Extracted" (Chelsea Green, 2014) dealing with the world's mineral resources. In MEDEAS, Ugo Bardi is engaged with the INSTM team that carries out simulations and scenario building in the area that has to do with the physics of the energy transition. Ugo Bardi's web site is at

Ilaria Perissi is a Senior Researcher at INSTM dealing mainly with the development of Green Chemistry manufacturing for Industry and Power Sector. More recently she focused her interests on System Dynamic applied to the study of resource exploitation. Her contribution in MEDEAS relies on the development of the Scenarios that aim at both describing the 'big picture' of the transition as well as becoming a reference for MEDEAS modelers.

Sara Falsini obtained her degree in Biology (2010) and Ph.D. in molecular biology (2014) at the University of Florence, Italy. During her post-doc, she has approached the sustainability field by working in system dynamics in MEDEAS and also in fields such as communication in environmental sustainability.

Franco Galvagno is a PhD student at Politecnico (Torino), Italy. After the degree in physical chemistry, he worked for 14 years in automotive industry as chemical laboratory manager and consultant about raw materials, process control, waste treatment. Since 2014 he teaches maths/science in secondary school. Nowadays he is involved in his research project in applied mathematics, with focus in modelling non-linear and far-from-equilibrum processes.

Gianluca Martelloni is a Senior Researcher at INSTM, he has a PhD in Nonlinear Dynamics and Complex System obtained at Florence University. He worked six years, as Post-Doc at the Department of Physics and Astronomy of Florence, in landslide modeling, fractal and fractional calculus applied to diffusion processes and ecological modeling. Then he worked at INAF (National Institute for Astrophysics) in optical turbolence forecast for the ground-based telescope observations. He is also expert in model optimization. His contribution in MEDEAS relies on parameter calibration of MEDEAS model in order to fit the optimal transition scenario in term of carbon budget.