The MEDEAS work plan coherently develops the aim of providing a tool to help policy makers in the transition to a low carbon sustainable energy system by 2050. The structure is twofold: modelling based analysis and policy implementation issues. To this end, the proposal is structured in 8 Work Packages to provide such a tool and analysis to the energy system transformation and impacts roadmap.
Management and coordination
The objective of this action is to ensure a smooth and efficient management of the project during its entire duration from a technical, administrative and financial point of view. The management activities will: ensure the achievements of the project objectives within the budget and the time appointed; define the technical architecture of the project and its consistency throughout the project; track and report the technical and financial progress and the quality of the work; ensure the use of the available resources in a structured manner; ensure the communication between beneficiaries at all levels; and ensure the communication with stakeholders and other projects.
Data collection
Collection of appropriate data necessary to design the adaptive scenarios and to quantify the initial starting points for the simulations. Identification of Partially Aggregated Variables (PAV) to be considered leading to a simple description, that nevertheless is suitable for reproducing essential parts of the social system and the energy/economy interplay.
Work-Package leader: CIRCE
Scenarios and pathways
The objective of this work package is to explore and study the different situations (scenarios) and temporal evolution (pathways) for each selected initial policy framework in order to be able to achieve the objective of a low carbon economy in 2050. The physical constraints identified in the previous work package will be used to evaluate the possible variability of the PAVs of each scenario.
Work-Package leader: INSTM
Model building and models implementation
In this WP the MEDEAS model will be constructed. TIMES and LEAP will be implemented in selected case studies and scenarios. A set of pathways for future economic development of the EU under the different energy systems will be simulated. TIMES and LEAP will take into account the state-of-the art published models and will focus, initially, for selected case studies. Input Output analysis will also be carried out for these selected scenarios. In the MEDEAS model, sensitivity analysis for the resulting Energy return on Energy Investment (EROI) and Exergy according to various scenarios considered above will be performed.
Work-Package leader: UVA
Models cross-comparison
The models results of WP4 will be gathered and compared. Main similarities and differences will be collected and evaluated to calculate models output uncertainty under the different scenarios and pathways. Comparisons will use the reference initial and mid-term scenarios designed in WP3. The main similarities and differences will be used to evaluate impacts and design policies in WP6 and WP7.
Work-Package leader: ARU
Environmental and technological impacts of the energy transition in terms not only of CO2 emissions but also in the associated costs or benefits of the transition (in terms, for instance, of GDP or social welfare) will be evaluated. Frameworks with different degrees of energy efficiency, technological innovation and renewable energy contribution to the energy mix will be considered.
Evaluation of the degree of social behaviour (for instance, change in consumer habits) in the directions favoured by the SET-plan and roadmap 2050 that will influence the transition. This will be measured using social indexes as can be Social Progress Index, Quality of Life and social welfare.
Work-Package leader: AEA
Policy analysis and implementation strategies
Strategies and policies to minimize impacts and to achieve efficiently the aim of 2050. Top down strategies combined with bottom up approaches will be analysed through model simulations output and scenarios analysis. Bottom-up, this is, how the ability of the self-organized citizens (through NGOs or other organisations) to influence policy makers at different levels can help to implement the necessary specific economic and policy changes in the transition. And how the top-down approaches (from policies to citizens) can help to improve the efficiency and the market flexibility to allow a high RES penetration to allow the emissions reduction by 2050.
Work-Package leader: BSERC
Outreach, dissemination and exploitation of results
The main objectives of this Work Package are to ensure the proper dissemination and exploitation of the project outcomes in order to increase the impact of the project and its visibility at national and international levels. To this end, the dissemination activities will include internet resources (webpages, blogs and social networks), outreach programs in the media, project events and dissemination materials. Networking activities with policy makers at local, country and EU levels will be organized. Publication of scientific papers directly related to the project results and public release of outreach material for non-specialists will also be delivered. As the project aims to be integrative in all aspects, the dissemination objective is to integrate web-based approaches, networking and education with the use of different materials and activities.
Work-Package leader: CRES